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Dive into Quantum with beginner-friendly courses

Basics of Quantum Information

Learn mathematical aspects of quantum computing at the advanced undergraduate or introductory graduate level.

Fundamentals of Quantum Algorithms

Use quantum computers to efficiently solve problems with real-world relevance such as searching and factoring.

General Formulation of Quantum Information

A course on quantum information, including density matrices, channels, measurements, and more.

Foundations of quantum error correction

Learn about quantum error correction, quantum error correcting codes, and fault-tolerant quantum computation.

Quantum Computing in Practice

Learn potential use cases and best practices for experimenting with quantum processors having 100+ qubits.

Quantum Business Foundations

For all audiences, this course builds foundations of quantum computing, technology, and business applications.

Variational Algorithm Design

A course on variational algorithms: hybrid classical quantum algorithms for current quantum computers.

Practical Introduction to Quantum-Safe Cryptography

An introduction to quantum-safe cryptography, and how quantum computing poses a risk to existing cryptography.

IBM Quantum Developer Conference 2024
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Explore the latest hardware and software tools for utility-scale quantum computing.

Qiskit 101 & 102
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Learn the basics of programming quantum computers by watching recordings and following along with code notebooks.

Utility scale quantum computing
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A collection of learning assets from a 14-lesson course on utility scale quantum computing.