Explore all courses and tutorials available across IBM Quantum Learning.
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Dive into Quantum with beginner-friendly courses
Learn mathematical aspects of quantum computing at the advanced undergraduate or introductory graduate level.
Use quantum computers to efficiently solve problems with real-world relevance such as searching and factoring.
A course on quantum information, including density matrices, channels, measurements, and more.
Learn about quantum error correction, quantum error correcting codes, and fault-tolerant quantum computation.
Learn potential use cases and best practices for experimenting with quantum processors having 100+ qubits.
For all audiences, this course builds foundations of quantum computing, technology, and business applications.
A course on variational algorithms: hybrid classical quantum algorithms for current quantum computers.
An introduction to quantum-safe cryptography, and how quantum computing poses a risk to existing cryptography.
Explore the latest hardware and software tools for utility-scale quantum computing.
Learn the basics of programming quantum computers by watching recordings and following along with code notebooks.
A collection of learning assets from a 14-lesson course on utility scale quantum computing.