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Foundations of quantum error correction
A portrait of John Watrous
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This is a course on quantum error correction, with a focus on foundational concepts. It begins with an explanation of what quantum error correcting codes are and how they work. It then moves on to the discretization of errors phenomenon, the stabilizer formalism for describing quantum error correcting codes, Calderbank–Shor–Steane (CSS) codes, and several key examples of quantum error correcting codes, including the toric code and surface codes. The course also discusses fault-tolerant quantum computation, in which quantum computations are performed on error-corrected quantum information.

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Foundations of quantum error correction illustration


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Correcting quantum errors
  • Introduction
  • Classical repetition codes
  • Repetition code for qubits
  • The 9-qubit Shor code
  • Discretization of errors
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The stabilizer formalism
  • Introduction
  • Pauli operations and observables
  • Repetition code revisited
  • Stabilizer codes
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Coming soon: Quantum code constructions
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