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Qiskit 101 & 102
Qiskit 101 Qiskit 102

Qiskit 101

Qiskit 101 is exactly what it sounds like: a first introduction to Qiskit. There are no prerequisites for this course, though partners with some coding experience and who have played a bit with Qiskit will benefit the most. The course is focused on starting with IBM Quantum, building your first quantum circuits, and testing the results by running code on simulators. Topics covered include quantum circuits, quantum gates, and Qiskit Runtime Primitives. Qiskit 101 is geared primarily toward future technical practitioners of quantum computing.

Qiskit 101 training session

Recording of the latest live session from June 11, 2024. Please note that in the recording below, a minor syntax update is required. What is shown as Estimator(backend=backend) in the video should be updated to Estimator(mode=backend). An updated video will be available soon.

Please see below the presentation slides for the session:

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