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Understanding quantum information and computation

Estimated completion time: 29 h

Gain a theoretical foundation and practical skills in the foundations of quantum computation, quantum information, and quantum algorithms.

Learning path content


*The completion times in the image above are approximate. Actual timing will vary based on your prior knowledge, experience, and other factors.

To follow the path, click on the resource links below, and complete them in order for the best possible learning experience:

OrderTitle and linkTypeDescription
1Basics of Quantum Information and ComputationCourseThis foundational course covers the mathematical and conceptual aspects of quantum computing, providing hands-on opportunities and a badged exam leading to a Credly badge to demonstrate your knowledge.
2Explore Gates and Circuits with IBM Quantum ComposerTutorialLearn the basics and explore the composer, a graphical quantum programming tool that lets you drag and drop operations to build quantum circuits and run them on real quantum hardware or simulators.
3Fundamentals of Quantum AlgorithmsCourseLearn algorithms that will allow you to solve relevant real-world problems with quantum computing (such as searching and factoring) more efficiently. This course dives into both theoretical foundations and practical coding exercises to enhance your knowledge and skills on quantum algorithms. This course includes an exam that leads to a Credly badge.
4CHSH InequalityTutorialRun an experiment on a quantum computer to demonstrate the violation of the CHSH (Clauser, Horne, Shimony, and Holt) inequality. This experiment will help you deepen your understanding of quantum entanglement and non-locality using the Qiskit Estimator primitive.

Who is this path intended for?

Students, professionals, and hobbyists in fields such as computer science, physics, engineering, and mathematics who are eager to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on the foundations of quantum information and computation.

  • Academics and researchers trying to get a deeper understanding of quantum information and computation, especially for algorithm development or for teaching.
  • Developers looking forward to expand their understanding on quantum information and computation to get started with implementing algorithms to solve real-world computational challenges.
  • Industry professionals and innovation leaders looking to understand the foundations of quantum computation to drive innovation.
  • Students: Undergraduate, and graduate students aiming to complement their existing studies in their fields, preparing them to pursue advanced studies or careers in quantum computing and quantum information sciences.
  • Hobbyists looking to understand why quantum algorithms work the way they do.



  • Basic proficiency in Python programming
  • Foundational understanding of linear algebra (matrices, vectors, complex numbers)
  • Familiarity with classical computing concepts (algorithms and logic gates)
  • Logical reasoning skills


  • Basic experience coding with Qiskit

To learn more

  • Install Qiskit: Step by step documentation including a video demonstrating how to install Qiskit.
  • Build repetition codes: This tutorial demonstrates a dynamic quantum circuit that can protect an encoded qubit from a single bit-flip error, and then evaluates the bit-flip code performance.
  • Repeat until success: This tutorial demonstrates IBM® dynamic circuits to use mid-circuit measurements to produce a circuit that repeats until a successful syndrome measurement.

Post-completion survey

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